Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Potential New World Record Mule Deer!!!

An expert, Boone and Crockett scorer (anonymity mostly because the deer is still walking), recently received a photograph of a deer that he believes could be a world record trophy. He believes that if this deer is shot this fall it will be the biggest non-typical deer killed by a hunter.
The first assumption by many will be that this buck is pen raised, but the farmer who photographed the deer says that it is not pen raised and that he has seen it on his farm several other times. The farmer doesn’t allow hunters but the surrounding land that is definitely with range for the buck do. I won’t release the area (first because I don’t know the exact area) but it is in a region where people don’t usually think of trophy deer hunting.
If I find any other information on this buck or if it is a hoax I will certainly try to let you know.

For more tips check out: How to Kill Big Bucks

What do you think about the deer is it a hoax or not?

Full article at

1 comment:

Big Pappa said...

You should take a look at the big buck I posted yesterday. It was taken here in Iowa with a muzzleloader.