Bobcats populate almost all the contiguous states, but bobcat hunting can be hard unless done properly. It can also be one of the most exciting species to hunt, especially if you call bobcats in the dark. I’ll give you some tips for hunting bobcats, and hopefully you hunting this year will be successful after my bobcat hunting tips.
Hunt in a tree stand:
This is usually overlooked in bobcat hunting, but like deer hunting it provides several benefits. One is that you can see farther in a stand. This allows you to see the bobcat before it is too late and you spook him. This technique is even better when you use predator calling. The dying or injured rabbit call is arguably the most successful predator call. When properly used, any bobcats in hearing range should start sneaking up on you. Then the fun starts as predator faces predator. This is when the tree stand comes in handy. When the cover is thick you wouldn't be able to see the bobcat unless you’re in a tree stand.
Walk the Canyon:
If you have a canyon or large ravine where you hunt this tip is for you. Walk along the side of the canyon and watch the opposite side for movement. If you see something move, sit down and look at it through your binoculars or spotting scope. If it’s a bobcat you shoot or if needed use a predator call or stalk into closer range. Otherwise, you can keep walking along the canyon. This can be repeated on the other side of the canyon also.
Find the Den:
This is one of the best ways to hunt bobcats. Especially if you are trying to keep the population down. It's also good technique to use with bow hunting since it allows close access to the bobcat. First you need to find a bobcat den. Which can usually be done by scouting for bobcat activity. They usually create dens in caves, rock over hangings, or brush piles. Once you find a den that is currently being used, the hard work is over. All you need to do is set up outside of the den and either sit there quietly or provoke the bobcat out with a call. When the bobcat walks out, you can shoot it.
The Electronic Call:
This is one of the new techniques that in recent years have been growing in popularity. You can find a good electronic predator call (If it has a wireless controller, it will make life a little easier.) at Dick’s, Gander Mountain, Cabela’s, or any other hunting store. Once you have one, you set it up about 50-100 yards away in or behind a bush. You then find a spot to sit (this can be in a tree stand or outside a den). Every now and then you press the call and wait for a bobcat to show itself and you shoot. This technique usually requires a large bobcat population to be successful quickly, unless proper scouting is done.
Walk and Call:
This is one of the more common ways to hunt bobcats. You get yourself a predator call at one of the previously mentioned stores. Then you head out to bobcat area and set up in a spot where you can see clearly but it is hard to be seen. Then blow through the call every 10 minutes. If no bobcat shows itself in about 30 minutes of calling move about a quarter mile away and do the same thing. This is a good technique if the bobcat population is sparse as it gives you the ability to cover a large amount of land.
All of these techniques can be duplicated in the dark, except the canyon one. For the dark you should bring a strong headlamp and when you see the bobcat shine the light in its eyes. This should freeze the bobcat for long enough to get a shot off. (Check your state’s regulations to see if hunting at night and using a headlamp is legal.)
Bobcat hunting can be very rewarding and there is nothing dull about it especially when done at night. Hopefully this year can be a success with these tips. Happy Hunting!
For coyote hunting tips check out: Coyote Hunting Tips
For coyote calling tips check out: How to Call Coyotes
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Bobcat Hunting Tips
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tags: Bobcat, Bobcat Hunting, Bobcat Hunting Tips, Bow Hunting, Coyote Hunting Tips, Hunting Tips
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
How to Call Coyotes - Tips for Coyote Hunters
The first step to calling coyotes is making sure there are coyotes in the close proximity. This can be done by scouting the land and looking for tracks or by asking landowners where they usually see coyotes.
The second step is setting up. You want to set up facing the wind. You also want the coyotes coming from in front of you. You will need to be in a spot that blurs your outline and provides clear shooting lanes.
Third you need to be camoflauged to fit the environment. If there is snow everywhere you should be wearing a green leafy camoflauge suit, you should be wearing something white.
Last but not least is the calling itself. The sound trying to be mimicked is the sound of a rabbit in distress. Almost all commercial calls will make this call fine. Electronic calls provide some advantage, as they can be set up away from where you are, so the coyotes don't see you. (Electronic calls are illegal in some states so check your hunting laws.) You want to call for about 10-15 seconds then wait 2-5 minutes before calling again. You should stay put for about 30 minutes until moving to your next stand.
Coyote hunting can be fun and exciting. It also gets rid of many pests that farmers hate. Calling is key to coyote hunting, but the set up for coyote hunting is more important. You can be the best coyote caller in the world, but if you aren't set up right you won't kill a single coyote.
For more coyote tips check out: Coyote Hunting Tips
For bobcat hunting tips check out: Bobcat Hunting Tips
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tags: Bobcat Hunting Tips, Coyote, Coyote Calling, Coyote Calling Tips, Coyote Hunting, Coyote Hunting Tips, How to Call Coyotes, Hunting, Hunting Tips
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Six Turkey Hunting Tips
6 hunting tips to get a tom
1. Stand and Shoot – Sitting down isn’t the only way to get a shot at a turkey sometimes you need to stand and shoot. One instance this is greatly helpful for is when you spook a turkey from about 20 yards out stand quickly and take a shot before they can fly away.
2. Dig a Ditch – You don’t have to be hunting waterfowl to use a pit blind. Using one for turkey you can be just as successful. When there is no cover close by for your set up, you have to dig a ditch to get the best chance at a tom.
3. Stalk ‘um on your belly – Don’t get used to just sitting with your back against a tree. Lots of times when you do this, turkeys will never get close enough for you to shoot. In these circumstances, ease on your belly and slowly crawl up to the inside shooting range.
4. Call with Wings – Calling a turkey with a scratch box or wood box isn’t the only way to call a turkey. If your calls aren’t working for you, try flapping a wing against your pants or if you don’t have a wing you can use a hat.
5. Break up the roost – If you know of a roost where a tom is roosting with some hens go there before daylight. When you get there and yell and scream this will scatter the roost. Then go back to your set up and wait a little bit. Then start calling the turkeys. After being scattered, turkeys will be more susceptible to calls because they are looking for their clan.
6. Hunt like your Deer Hunting – Sometimes you can’t call in a tom with a call. In these circumstances its best to know their habits. If you know their feeding pattern and roosting areas you will be easily able to set up a ambush site that will be successful year after year.
For help finding a turkey hunting gun check out: The $30 Turkey Hunting Gun
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tags: Fall Turkey Hunting, Hunting, Hunting Tips, Spring Hunting, Spring Turkey Hunting, Spring Turkey Hunting Tips, Turkey Hunting, Turkey Hunting Tips
Quick Deer Hunting Tip: How to Collect Deer Antler Sheds + Monster Buck Near Gas Station
Many people go out and “hunt” for deer antlers that have been shed. They consider this the best way to determine if a big buck is on you property. They usually go out and wander in the woods, but I have a better way that I learned in a Field and Stream magazine.
How to Make a Shed Antler Trap:
•Find a small tree to the side of a deer trail that is used often.
•Drive two posts about 3-4 feet away from the tree.
•Wrap wire fencing around the tree and connect an end at each post.
•Place acorns, soybeans, salt, corn, or any other food source at the base
of the tree.
•To keep bucks from getting entangled with the wire, make sure the openings in the
wire are at least 30 inches across and the fencing is a little loose.
Big Bucks will be more than ready to take this “free” meal after the long rut. The way it is supposed to work is after the rut the pedicles or base of the antlers loosen. When the go in for the food the buck’s antlers will hit the fencing and fall off. Field and Stream claims no bucks have ever been caught by this.
Also, check out this monster buck Field and Stream had on their website. Its antlers are so wide, I’ve never seen antlers like that. It was photographed in Rawlins, Wyoming.
For more quick hunting tips check out: How to Track Deer in the Snow
For more tips check out: How to Kill Big Bucks
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tags: Antler Shed Trap, Antler Trap, Deer Antler Shed Trap, Deer Antler Trap, Deer Shed Trap, How to Find Shed Antlers, Shed Trap, Whitetail Deer